
2019年6月19日—桌面篇.$cp/usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop~/.local/share/applications/line.desktop.修改Name.把Exec=那行改成chromiumchrome ...,GetmoreoutofLINEbyusingitsChromeextension.Withjustoneclick,youcansharewebpagesandtextwithyourLINEfriendsorsavetheminKeep.1.,,4.SelectwhatyouwanttotakeascreenshotoffromeitherChromeTab,Window,orEntireScreen,thenclickShare.5.Specifythedesiredareaforth...

把Chrome 的LINE 擴充抓出來玩

2019年6月19日 — 桌面篇. $ cp /usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/line.desktop. 修改 Name. 把 Exec= 那行改成 chromium chrome ...

LINE Share

Get more out of LINE by using its Chrome extension. With just one click, you can share web pages and text with your LINE friends or save them in Keep. 1.

Sendreceive chats

4. Select what you want to take a screenshot of from either Chrome Tab, Window, or Entire Screen, then click Share. 5. Specify the desired area for the ...


share. 【iOS】如何透過預設瀏覽器開啟聊天室內的連結? 開啟「使用預設瀏覽器開啟連結」的功能後,即可使用裝置內預設的瀏覽器(Safari或Chrome等)開啟聊天室內的連結。

LINE Share 快速分享連結與文字給LINE 好友,一秒儲存 ...

1 天前 — ... Chrome 的擴充程式名為「LINE Share」, ... △ 點擊上方連結,進入Chrome 擴充程式頁,點擊右上方的「加到Chrome」將LINE Share 安裝到Chrome 瀏覽器中。